Enrollment & Records
Read the School Enrollment Policy below:

High School Parent Testimonials
Mayme M. - 11th grade CASC Student
When asked why we chose CASC for our daughter's high school I immediately say that it was simply the best choice for this season in our lives.
Every family hits a tough season when there are issues with a job, illnesses or financial challenges. For our family, the timing of moving jobs to assist with a family member's illness was a good decision, but it was not easy.
Mayme was in a great progressive school that was cutting edge. She had good friendships and was challenged while gaining college credit starting in the 10th grade. Moving to the city where her father's surgical practice was relocated to in Brevard, NC would mean losing part of her GPA as North Carolina does not credit the same way South Carolina does for rigor in classes. In addition, we needed to find a way to offer support to our family members struggling with Alzheimer's in Spartanburg, SC.
After much prayer and research, Courtney Kountz offered an educational solution via Cyber Academy of South Carolina that would provide the flexibility we needed to our situation that seemed impossible. We really could be in two places at one time or at least in both places part of the time.
CASC allows us to spend most of the week with grandparents and get the bulk of Mayme's school work complete in South Carolina and then we are able to cross the short miles to North Carolina to spend with my husband. It is not the traditional family lifestyle we are used to, but it is right for the season we are in now.
What is the biggest challenge?
The answer is probably getting organized and leaving a comfort zone.
To be honest, at first, it was hard leaving friends and an easier, simpler lifestyle. If we are all honest, it is easy to be lazy with brick and mortar schools. There is a schedule and pool of friends that are in a designated location. There is a whole state of cool opportunities and new friends available through CASC. By making time to be a part of the social activities with CASC and working to make new friends, Mayme, has learned that she is adaptable and will be able to carve out successful relationships in college and life.
What I have found challenging is holding my tongue. It is hard to explain to people that online schooling has changed for the better. It is not a place that is a last chance for bad students. As a parent, I have been a little offended that some friends and family members have viewed on-line schooling as an "easy" way to get through education. In fact, it is harder, In a brick and mortar environment there were consistent complaints that students shortened teaching time by talking, misbehaving or simply being late to class. On-line classes cover ALL of the standards, sometimes a little too much for a teenager, but the material is definitely covered. I am positive that Mayme will be ready for college and CASC has given her the opportunity to dig down deep and motivate herself to excel. Self-motivation is essential for today's online success and success in real world situations. We are fortunate and blessed to have amazing CASC teachers. They are a great support system and help build student self-esteem and have assisted Mayme towards her personal and educational goals.
Over the last few months we have been able to take Mayme with us on travel outside of the country while she maintained her studies with CASC. She is growing as a person, is making friends, serves on student led groups, and keeps a GPA of 4.87. She has interviewed with Oxford and Edinburgh University (stateside). She has also visited, New York University (NYU), Wake Forest, Duke, Wofford, University of South Carolina, and has Clemson, Furman, Harvard, Notre Dame, and Tulane on the agenda for the summer.
CASC has already been a part of Mayme's future academic success in that she was recently named a Wofford Scholar with a promise of a scholarship if she attends the school. High School counselor, Courntey Kountz has worked with Mayme on her classes for the fall and Mayme will have the opportunity to earn dual credit which means she will get college credit while taking classes that meet high school credit requirements. CASC was just what our family needed to be able to help family members during a health crisis, made a career move easier, and has provided an educational balance during a season of change for our family.
Overall, the Cyber Academy of South Carolina offers Carolina families the opportunity for an amazing school choice that has little to no out of pocket expense that will help all the seasons of lives. Reminding all of us parents why school choice is so important!
~Mayme's proud mom
Middle School Parent Testimonials
Lauren Z. - 8th Grade CASC Student
My daughter had trouble with other home school programs. We absolutely love CASC! The teachers are so helpful, and they actually care about their students. That makes all the difference.
~Lauren's Mom
Logan L. 6th Grade CASC Student
We made the move to CASC from another virtual school that was in some ways very similar to CASC. We were there for 3 years,before that in brick & mortar, and things were going okay, then the school started handing out calendars rather than following the OLS. It became very confusing. We were skipping around in units and lessons and really too confused to learn anything. Our days became super stressful, and we were unable to get the support we needed from teachers.
We learned about CASC from a friend who made the switch earlier. She was so happy with CASC we knew we had to make the change. Coming to CASC has been what I feel is the best decision I have made regarding my children's education. The teachers are absolutely amazing. There is so much help and support we never feel lost. The way CASC follows the OLS and presents students with all the information is a breath of fresh air. My children are learning so much and having a great time doing it. It makes so much more sense than skipping whole units or having to learn them backwards. The K12 program is amazing and CASC is doing an amazing job utilizing the content. This is what people want when they think of an online public school. I feel so blessed top be part of CASC. I see my children learning and growing in confidence with each passing day. We attend the live Learning Labs weekly and have gotten wonderful results and we work with loving dedicated teachers. We appreciate everyone at CASC so much and look forward to many happy years here.
~Logan's Mom
Elementary School Parent Testimonials
Lilly M. 5th Grade CASC Student
Lilly was reading chapter books when she entered kindergarten in a brick and mortar school. When she went to their library she was not allowed to take out chapter books. We were told that those books were reserved for 2nd grade and above. We found out that she was spending her reading time teaching other children to read. This is when we pulled her out and enrolled her in another K12 school. We were very happy there for the first two years as they were very much like CASC is now, but over the next two years they became more restrictive and less flexible. They stopped following the OLS and started sending out weekly calendars. This made it impossible to work ahead, or to do blocks of one subject one day and blocks of another the next. I met people who also used K12 but were in CASC and when we talked I heard how much they liked CASC, so we did some research and made the switch. We could not be happier!
~Lilly's Mom
Jaycee S. 1st Grade CASC Student
We made the choice because one Jaycee has some health issues and we wanted a more free and relaxed way for her to get her education while she also had all her doctor appointments and was not punished like she would have been for being out in a brick and mortar school. the second reason we made the choice to pick CASC was because I wanted to be able to be more involved in her education then I would be able to be in a brick and mortar school. we have been with CASC for two years this being our second year and I have to say this is the best choice that I could have ever made with my daughters education. CASC has the most wonderful people and teachers I couldn't ask for better teachers than my daughter has had with CASC. our experience has been a wonderful journey with CASC since we have started in kindergarten.
~Jaycee's Mom
For enrollment questions, call 855.611.2830 or visit www.k12.com/casc
For records questions, email records@cyberacademysc.org
For proof of enrollment request, contact the Records Department at records@cyberacademysc.org
Click here for Transcript Request
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